One student goes first by picking up a picture card and asking the student on their right a 'When did you last.?' question based on the picture, e.g. In this free past simple game, students try to make believable past simple sentences with a variety of time expressions. The player with the most points at the end of the game wins. Players score one point for each grammatically correct sentence and one point for each suitable -ed pronunciation.
The other players listen and confirm each sentence is grammatically correct and that the -ed pronunciation is appropriate. Players then read out their sentences, paying close attention to the -ed sound of the past simple regular verbs.
Afterwards, players use the words they wrote down to make as many past simple affirmative sentences as they can. The game continues until all the words have been coloured in. However, other players are allowed to pass through the square during the game to get to other words. The player now owns the word in the square and no one else can write it down. The player then writes down the word they land on and colours in the square. Players take it in turns to roll the dice and move their counter along the board. In this creative past simple board game, students collect words in order to make as many past simple affirmative sentences as they can.